Name: ray c. pascual
Email: yar_pascual{at}
Where are
you from:
Comments: Hello!
December 30, 2006 06:42:36 (GMT Time)
Name: Carol Felizar Domingo
Email: domingocf_57{at}
Where are
you from: 214 Magsaysay St., San Pablo, Castillejos, Zambales
Comments: Hello everybody, batchmates happy 25th year anniversary as
SNA Alumni. Hope to hear from all of you. Happy holidays......
December 27, 2006 12:50:22 (GMT Time)
Email: leabesarra{at}
Where are
you from: San Pablo, Castillejos, Zambales
December 26, 2006 03:00:19 (GMT Time)
Name: Rustum Rivera
Email: snahighschool{at}
Where are
you from: Chesapeake, VA
Comments: Trying something else beside geocities since geo keeps deleting
our site. 12/02/2006
Batch: 1988
December 3, 2006 03:38:21 (GMT Time)